The Parkland shooting, another tragedy that hit one of our county public high schools here in south Florida. Our Guardian Defense founder, Steven, and some of our other instructors responded to the scene as SWAT team members of their police department.
The Parkland shooting will be the second active shooter situation in our area since 2017. In 2017, our community was shaken by the Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting and our same instructors responded to that scene as well.
Last night, speaking to Steven, our founder, he couldn’t help but reflect again on the fact that when law enforcement arrives on scene, the situation is over. I reminded him in this case, our law enforcement community had a role in apprehending the suspect and our medical staff were able to get to the victims quickly in order to save lives.
He may have felt his role was miniscule, but it was much grander than he thinks.
But, he raises a good point in his reflection of the Parkland shooting.
Ultimately, when a tragedy strikes, it’s up to civilians like you and I to defend ourselves and those we are responsible for until law enforcement arrives.
With these problems continuing to grow in frequency, NOW is the time to get prepared.
There is absolutely no reason every school in America does not have:
- POLICIES in place for an active threat;
- ACTIVE SHOOTER TRAINING provided to the school staff; and
- Monthly LOCKDOWN DRILLS: DRILLS SCHEDULED and DRILLS PRACTICED appropriately with administrators and students.
I can tell you from my personal experience, workplaces and businesses are seeking training at a much larger rate than schools. I am so happy to receive these active shooter training inquiries from the workplace.
But, I’m also wondering where my school audience is?
We still come across schools to this day that do not have anything on POLICY-TRAIN-DRILL.
This is unacceptable!
Help me to understand why there is a delay in training for administrators, teachers, and students within our schools?
Please help me learn how we can eliminate these delays.
Help us to reach your school. Or, at minimum, please reach out to your local law enforcement to get the ball rolling. Then, >>contact us<< for the implementation.