Sandy Hook Shooting

Sandy Hook School Shooting: 7 Years Later

Learning from the Sandy Hook School Shooting Tragedy

On December 14, 2012, twenty first-graders were preparing for the excitement of Christmas.  However, these tiny children never got the chance to open their presents. A shooter entered their school and killed them along with six staff members.  The tragedy of  the Sandy Hook school shooting left a community and country yearning for better school safety.   

The 7th anniversary of the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut brings in the forefront of our minds the twenty six lives lost that day.  It is also a time to reflect on the lessons learned from that catastrophe. 


The country watched in shock and pain as the names of the victims were released. Soon after, pictures of young, beautiful and innocently smiling children flood television and phone screens.

“They had their entire lives ahead of them. Birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own.” said an emotional, teary-eyed President Obama immediately after the mass shooting.


Consequently, it was horrible day, a tragic moment that shook the country to its core. Americans had many unanswered questions regarding the safety of our kids in school. Unfortunately, since the disaster at Sandy Hook Elementary, we continue to see violence in schools

Without delay, school administrators and law enforcement agencies have created preventive and responsive plans to minimize casualties.  Sadly, keeping our children safe from school shooting has been challenging even in the aftermath of Sandy Hook.


Five country-wide implementations in many regions throughout the United States after the Sandy Hook school shooting:


To honor the lives of those who were killed, victims’ loved ones have since shared beautiful tributes and set up scholarship programs, nonprofit organizations and more.

One of those organizations, Sandy Hook Promise’s mission is to  create a culture engaged in preventing shootings, violence, and other harmful acts in schools. Sandy Hook Promise is a moderate, above-the-politics organization that supports sensible program and policy solutions that address the “human side” of gun violence by preventing individuals from ever getting to the point of picking up a firearm to hurt themselves or others.

Another organization is Safe and Sound Schools, a school safety and security initiative.

Safe and Sound Schools is another initiative that was formed as a response to the Sandy Hook tragedy.  Their mission is to support school crisis preventionresponse, and recovery, and to protect every school and every student, every day.


We hope that after reading this, you understand that an active shooter incident or violent attack could happen at any businessschool, mall, restaurant, movie theater, place of worshiphospital, or public place. It is critical to BE PREPARED and have a plan in place.
At Guardian Defense, we specialize in helping your workplace create a customized training plan based on its unique needs. As the list of these tragedies continues to grow, it is the duty of every business owner, city entity and principal to formalize plans now and prepare for an active threat.
To learn more about our services for your workplace, school, place of worship, or large family gathering, contact us today!