Choose the Best Fit for Your Security Guards

Now that you’ve had a chance to learn why it is important to train your unarmed and armed security guards, take some time to read about our program and training options for your company.

Not sure where to start?

Training for Security Guards- Sign Up!Start by looking at the options available to you and then schedule an appointment to speak with a Guardian Defense Safety Specialist. Our specialists will start with learning more about your organization so we can make our best recommendation from there!

To begin, read the options below to get a better idea of the many different options available to you. When you are done, schedule a time to speak with us, so you can get back to doing what you do best- protecting our workplaces, schools, and communities!

Security Guard Training Options:

Option 1: Effective Communication for Security Officers (Human Diversity, Conflict Resolution & De-Escalation)


Effective Communication for Security Officers (ECSO) is a five-hour course designed to provide security guards with the awareness and knowledge needed to effectively communicate with the public, clients and peers within the workplace. Participants will experience a 3.5-hour lecture-style teaching of three main concept: Human Diversity, Conflict Resolution, and De-Escalation. They will then put the concepts into practice through 1.5-hours of practical application and exercises. Communication is extremely important, and using the proper words, tone, and body language can make all the difference in the outcome of any situation! Naturally, the goal of the course is to provide participants with the education and practice necessary to confidently communicate with all individuals they encounter during their shift.

Audience: Unarmed Security Guards, Armed Security Guards, Security Guard Management

Option 2: Report Writing for Command Center Personnel

Report Writing for Command Center Personnel (RWCCP) is a five-hour course designed to provide security management and command center personnel with the knowledge to properly document incidents that occur while their security officers are at work. Participants will experience a mix of lecture-style teaching, as well as practical application of proper incident report writing. In the end, participants will complete a test to ensure comprehension of the concepts. The course’s goal is to provide participants with the education and preparation necessary to confidently write a report keeping in mind the best interests of all involved parties.

Audience: Unarmed Security Guards, Armed Security Guards, Security Guard Management

Option 3: Safe Spike Strip Deployment for Security Officers

Safe Spike Strip Deployment for Security Officers (SSSDSO) is a 4-8 hour course teaching guards the use and function of tire deflation/spike strip apparatuses. Participants will learn when and how to properly deploy the equipment in a safe manner. The course time will vary depending on the number participants and equipment available. Guardian Defense will review company’s policy on response and incorporate it into the training model.

Audience: Unarmed Security Guards, Armed Security Guards, Security Guard Management

Option 4: Handcuffing, Pepper Spray, and Baton for Security Officers

Handcuffing, Pepper Spray, and Baton for Security Officers (HPSBSO) is an 8-hour course designed to teach security guards the proper use and function of handcuffs, pepper spray, and batons. Guardian Defense will review company’s policies on response and incorporate them into the training model.

Don’t need training in all 3? Each course can be completed separately.

Handcuffing for Security Officers – 2 hours

Pepper Spray for Security Officers – 2 hours

Baton for Security Officers – 4 hours

Audience: Unarmed Security Guards, Armed Security Guards, Security Guard Management

Option 5: Less Lethal Munitions Course for Security Officers

Less Lethal Munitions Course for Security Officers (LLMCSO) is a half-day course designed to provide participants with the knowledge and safety protocols to operate and utilize less lethal munitions properly. Guardian Defense will review company’s policies on response and incorporate them into the training model.

Prerequisite: Active, Class G license armed security guard

Audience: Armed Security Guards, Security Guard Management

Option 6: Single Officer Active Shooter Response Course for Security Teams

The Single Officer Active Shooter Response Course for Security Teams (SOASRC-ST) is a 3-day course designed to provide armed security guards with the training needed to respond to an active shooter situation while at work. Guardian Defense will review company’s policies on response and incorporate them into the training model.

Correspondingly, the course provides participants with the education and tactics necessary to respond to high-risk situations and threats by offering both interactive classroom-style training and scenario-based training exercises.

Prerequisite: Active, Class G license armed security guard

Audience: Armed Security Guards

Option 7: Firearms Training for Security Officers

Firearms Training for Security Officers (FTSO) is a half-day course designed to provide armed security guards with the knowledge and safety protocols to properly operate a handgun or rifle firearm while in the workplace. The course provides participants with weapon familiarization and proper shooting techniques on the range. Participants will receive maximum repetitions and practical application.

Prerequisite: Active, Class G license armed security guard

Audience: Armed Security Guards, Security Guard Management

Option 8: Class G Requalification for Security Officers

Class G Requalification for Security Officers (CGRSO) is a 4-hour course offered to armed security guards who possess a Class G license and are due for their annual requalification with the firearm. Participants will be taught by a Class K licensed Guardian Defense instructor who will also review key items such as safe weapons handling, identification of weapon parts and ammunition, loading and unloading, drawing and holstering, and more. To complete the course, participants will need to demonstrate proficiency with a firearm by shooting a qualifying score.

Note: A security guard who  requires to carry additional types and calibers of approved firearms must complete annual requalifying training for each type and caliber of firearm carried.

Prerequisite: Active, Class G license armed security guard

Audience: Armed Security Guards

Option 9: Mental Health First Aid for Security Guards

The Mental Health First Aid for Security Guards course is designed to provide security guards and management team members with the tools to identify individuals who may be struggling with mental illnesses and mental health disorders. Mental Health First Aid for Security Guards is a crucial piece to any security guard company violence prevention plan. Providing awareness to your guards leads to assisting those clients or peers who are struggling to get the help they need. It can also lead to preventing self-harm or harm to others‪.

Note: GD instructors are certified by Mental Health First Aid USA

Audience: Unarmed Security Guards, Armed Security Guards, & Security Guard Management


Training for Security Guards- Sign Up! 2Contact us immediately so we can customize a course for you! 

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