Feb 15, 2023 Parkland - Advice - Barricade - Guardian Defense - Hold - Incidents - Lockdown - Schools - South Florida - Training

17DayCelebration Closes for Parkland Florida

#17DayCelebration Closes for Parkland, Florida Despite the terrible events that transpired at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in...
Jan 27, 2023 Schools - Barricade - Businesses - Guardian Defense - Incidents - Lockdown - News - Parkland - South Florida - Training

Parkland Shooting Victims: Honoring 5 Years Later

Parkland Shooting Victims: Honoring 5 Years Later This February 14th marks the 5-year anniversary of the tragedy that occurred at Marjory...
Feb 14, 2022 Schools - Advice - Boca Raton - Businesses - Churches - Colleges - COVID-19 - Guardian Defense - In the Media - Incidents - Law Enforcement - Lockdown - News - Parkland - Place of Worship - Police - Training

MSD Strong and Oxford High School Shooting Connection

MSD Strong and Oxford High School Shooting Connection   Today marks the 4-year anniversary of the active shooter incident at...
Feb 28, 2021 Boca Raton - Advice - Guardian Defense - Incidents - News - Parkland - Schools - Training

Closing Tribute to the Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting Victims & Survivors

As we come to a close this month, the effects of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting are eternally ingrained in our...
Feb 14, 2021 Advice - Guardian Defense - Incidents - News - Parkland - Schools - Training

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting 3 Years Later

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting 3 Years Later The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting has been the highlight of...
Feb 1, 2021 Boca Raton - Colleges - COVID-19 - Guardian Defense - Incidents - News - Parkland - Schools - Training

Parkland School Shooting: How to Get Involved THIS Month

Parkland School Shooting: How to Get Involved in Honoring the Victims, Celebrating the Survivors and Stopping History from Repeating...
Feb 28, 2020 Parkland - Boca Raton - Businesses - Churches - Colleges - Guardian Defense - Hospitals - In the Media

February 2020 Closes, Parkland Always in Our Hearts

February ended as it began: with the 2018 Parkland shooting on our minds and heavy in our hearts.  It is unbelievable that just a few...
Feb 14, 2020 Schools - Barricade - Boca Raton - Guardian Defense - Hold - In the Media - Lockdown - News - Parkland - South Florida - Training

Parkland Shooting Anniversary: Love Never Dies

This Valentine's Day marks the second Parkland shooting anniversary of the tragic event that forever changed the lives of Parkland...